1977年The Damned和The Adverts的聯合巡演海報標題寫著:The Damned can now
play three chords. The Adverts can play one. Hear all four of them at...The Damned
會彈奏三個和弦,The Adverts會一個和弦,來看現場演出就可以看他們彈這四個和弦
如果對龐克稍微孰悉的人會知道只會一個和弦的梗是來自於The Adverts 的一首歌
One Chord Wonders裡面的歌詞,歌詞中說:表演到一半觀眾都走了,但他們不在乎.
排行榜取得成就的樂隊之一,作品也受媒體和樂評好評,評論家稱吉他手 T. V. Smith
的創作捕捉了時代精神而同輩中沒多少人能辦得到,貝斯手Gaye Advert被稱為one of
punk’s first female icons, 她的眼妝和皮衣不離身的風格定義了女性龐克的樣貌並影響
力會持續下去,知名音樂作家Dave Thompson 給The Adverts 的首張專輯極高評價並且
One Chord Wonders
I wonder what we'll play for you tonight.
Something heavy or something light.
Something to set your soul alight.
I wonder how we'll answer when you say.
"We don't like you - go away"
"Come back when you've learned to play"
I wonder what we'll do when things go wrong.
When we're half-way though our favourite song.
We look up and the audience has gone.
Will we feel a little bit obscure.
Think "we're not needed here"
"we must be new wave - they'll like us next year"
The wonders don't care - we don't give a damn